I spent Sunday afternoon helpng a freind (Rik) remove the radiator
from his smallmouth TR-6. What a pain in the butt! Start by removing the front
apron. Which of course means removing the headlights since all the captive
nuts turn...Feh!
But by far and away the most difficult part was in removing the two
that hold the radiator to the frame. There seems to be no access to them from
save for a really bad angle with a universal. The lower frame crossmember
blocks access from any other angle, and there is not enough room to get any type
of wench in there. How is one supposed to get these two suckers out? I'm almost
embarassed to reveal my solution...It wasn't pretty, but we'll never have
trouble removing them again....
bob iii - Now scarred from working on a TR-3. Only TR I have left to bite me
is a TR-2...