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MGB tech questions

Subject: MGB tech questions
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 92 12:38:37 -0700
I have a few questions that the 'B' experts might be able to answer.

1.  The workshop manual makes a big deal out of centering the transmission
    front oil seal/ cover assy on the shaft.  The mounting holes on the front
cover are evidently big enough to move the cover around to center the seal.
   The manual calls for a special tool (dosn't it always) to center the seal
   front trans. shaft.  

 Q. What do you do if you do not have the tool?  Eyeball it then tighten the 
    mounting bolts?  Take it to someone who has a magic tool?

2. I have found a reference to someting called a vacume switch for an overdrive.
   There was no indication as to what years it was installed, where it is
   located, or what it does.
Q. What is it when was it used???

3. I need to replace the rear engine seal (68 BGT)

Q. Any thing I should watch out for? any gotchas? do I need any parts other
  than the rear seal, & the locking tabs for the flywheel?

4. There are no special tabs on the engine for hoist attachments (neat feature
   on TR engines).  

Q. Where are recommended points to attach chain for lifting engine?

5. I'm getting tired of having wet carpets in the GT whenever it rains. I
have cleaned out the drain for the cowel vent.  I & any passanger can
   experience driping on our feet when it rains.

Q. Any ideas where the inside "rain" might be coming from? How to stop it?

6. My B tends to overheat at idle when the ambient temp gets above approx
75F.  I have 160F thermostat, correct timing, cleaned out cooling system,
   and good hoses.  It does not overheat sitting in traffic except on hot
  days.  I am ordering a new radiator cap since I loose coolent out the
  overflow easily.  The car is fitted with a 7 blade metal fan.  I have
  looked at the later ('72-74) 7 blade plastic fan.  The pitch looks
  greater on the plastic one and the blades look wider.

Q. Does the plastic fan draw more air than the metal one?  If I decided to
   try one, will the plastic fan interchange with the metal one with the
   same fixings??

7. My '68 BGT takes a thin wiper arm that was only fitted to part of the '68
   year.  The car now has universal arms on it.  I am having a difficult
   time trying to locate blades that fit this arm & is the correct length for
   the windscreen.  I noticed that RF has a different cat # for the
   correct wiper blades for my car and the more common armed BGTs.

Q. If I want to go back to MG wiper arms, would the later arm fit onto the
  splines of the assembly?  Would later blades fit onto the correct arms
  for my car?  Anyone know why the thinner arms were offered for less than 
  a model year?

Bonus question (requires knowledge of late TRs & Spits)

I would like to fit a coolent recovry bottle onto the BGT.  There is loads of
room in front & to the side of the radiator for a bottle with a bottom mount.

Seems to me that I have seen the mounting on a coolent recovery bottle of
either a TR6 or Spit.  Could some one point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance for your expert help!  I am eagerly awaiting your answers.
As you can tell, this is my first trip into the BGT.


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