> Replaced it and no more clunk. Of course, once I waited too long on an old
>Road Runner I had and the driveshaft fell out 3 in the morning on the way to an
> after hours joint with a lady in the car no less. Needless to say, I never
> heard from her after that....
Well, that certainly beats the old "Oh dear, I'm afraid we seem to
have run out of gas" line... I would think that "lady" is not the
appropriate term for a person who regards such an event as grounds
for excommunication - or any thing else short of an "exciting adventure".
Then again, certain women of my acquaintance are as adept at wrench-wielding
as I am, and might have said "Hey John, your driveshaft U-joint sounds like
it might not make it there, let's take my Jag instead..."
John R. Lupien