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This list

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: This list
From: Jerry Kaidor <>
Date: 4 Mar 92 08:08:38
GatorMail-Q                   This list
   Just to throw in my two cents:

  1)  If the list goes to a News feed, it will lose me.  News doesn't work at
this site.  Of course, losing me will help the volume problem all by itself
  2)  One thing I don't understand, is why a news group is less work than a
list.  Is it because a newsgroup doesn't "belong" to anybody, so there's no
listowner who has to read all the posts?

  3)  Back in the "bad old days" when news used to work around here, I was
subscribed to "".  The volume was FAR higher than B-C, and the
S/N ratio FAR lower.  I'd come in on Monday, crank up "rn", and it would
cheerfully tell me that I had 650 unread messages!  I don't know how much of
this was due to the medium, and how much due to the subject matter and the
particular people who were subscribed.

   - Jerry

OBCC:  The State of California sure does legislate beautiful engine blocks!

        ( Huh? )

  Well, I called the parts store about some engine enamel:  "We don't have the
good stuff anymore, all we have is this water-based crap.  It's not as
heat-resistant as the old stuff".  Urgh.  So I cranked up the compressor,
stoked up the spray gun, and sprayed my TR2's block black Imron.  Beautiful.  I
just hope the engine doesn't look so much better than the compartment it's
going into, that I catch "boatwright's disease" :-)

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