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Re: MGB sills

Subject: Re: MGB sills
From: (Roger Garnett)
Date: 22 Jan 93 11:49:40
Usually, if the sills on an MGB show rust holes, it's time to repair
the whole rocker assembly. There are 3 main sections welded together
(outer, middle, inside), running from under the front wing back to
the frame section in front of the rear arch. The "nose" under the
wing, and the middle are hidden, and usually worst off. (You can see
the nose by unbolting the front splash panel at the back of the front
wheel well, if it's still there.)  The rocker assy is the main
structural member between the front and rear of the car, so it's
worth fixing right. (It is amazing how many MGB's are held together
by the transmission tunnel!)
Roger Garnett
Cornell Agriculture Economics Computer Services   (607) 255-252

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