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Re: MGB sills

Subject: Re: MGB sills
From: (Tim Dziechowski)
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 93 20:01:01 EST
>> P.S. - I get this strange feeling when I think about having a dope
>> smoking (but not inhaling) president.  It doesn't make sense.  It seems
>> like "yes officer I had a few beers, but I just swished them around my
>> mouth and then spit it out, can I go now? "

>Hey, give the poor man a break.  After all, he did say he didn't enjoy
>it.  Much.

I read somewhere that he drives (and loves) a `66 Mustang.  Maybe we
should try to get him into a FBC (he's probably already driven some
while across the pond).

Imagine the possibilities... LBC's on the endangered species list?
Secretary of LBC's?  (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass)

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