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RE: Brake backing or dust plates?

To:, spitfire?
Subject: RE: Brake backing or dust plates?
From: (Richard O. Lindsay)
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 08:33:53 CST
Hi Dave.  I just replied to the note Phil and Andrew wrote
about brake rotor shields - before reading your note.
That is the problem with linear processes.  I need to develop
the ability to read my mail in parallel. (What???)  The point
here is that your comments about protecting the ball jount
gators is obviously true.  It totally escaped me.  I am a bit
unhappy about this because while installing the braking system
on my XJ-S I also installed the rebuilt steering rack and all
of it's heat shields!  I hate it when the obvious goes over
my head (and it is happening more and more often as I approach
my mid 40's...).  For what it's worth, I think the notes about
wetting the rotors are right too.  Yes the rotors do dry 
themselves but if one is racing or breaking in pooled water it
would be better to not wet them at all!

Anyway, nice work.

     Richard O. Lindsay        /     __  __      __  __
  Senior Research Scientist   /   / /_/ /_  / / /_/ /_/
  Amoco Production Research  /   / / / /_/ /_/ / / / \
                            / /_/
My opinions are my own, until they're worth something, at
which point they become the property of my employer...

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