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To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: TVR SHOW
From: speedy!
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 15:22 EDT
Made it to the TVR Show this past Sunday, impressive !!!!.

Each year this show gets better and better, there were 270
cars total, of which 100 were TVR's. What I like about this 
show is the calibre of the cars that turn up. Almost each one
of them is spotless.

Some other interesting cars :
3 wheel Trojan
2 BMW Isetta's
3 wheeled Berkeley - geez is this small !! (did they make a 4 wheel version ?)
Lotus Elite - the early ones
Lambo Muira
Lloyd something or other
3 wheeled Morgan with no bodywork - being restored but driven 
     to and from the show !
Jamaica - early 70's kit car ?????
New TVR 3000 convertible from Canada - I believe he paid $60,000 for it - gulp !

Conspicious by their absence were :
Stag's - only one turned up
MGA's - only 1 turned up
Late model Lotus (Elite, Eclat, Esprite) - only one Esprite showed up

All in all, a super show in gloriuos Autumn weather


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