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Re: The Yaller Dawg

To: (Nelson Yaple)
Subject: Re: The Yaller Dawg
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 12:03:28 PDT

|           Not a good way to start a day :-(.
|           Anyone out there have any experience with Lotus Trannies? 
|           From the way it acts:  Neutral with clutch out = noise. 
|           Neutral with clutch in = No Noise.  Coasting with Clutch in
|           or out = noise.  I was thinking Layshaft,  any ideas?
|           Nelson (without dawg) Yaple

the above description seems to translate to >>>>>>>>>
        1 nothing turning inside the trans = no noise
        2 anything turning inside the trans= noise

by this point I wouldn't be surprised  if the damage is pretty wide
spread. Particularly as you mentioned having driven it home in this condition.
You will not know until you get into it. ...tough.... 

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