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Wales trip

Subject: Wales trip
From: (Ed Devinney)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 91 10:14:38 -0400
Subject: SOL identifier

Since the subject of how-to-find fellow SOLers has arisen again, I
should report on my on-again, off-again t-shirt/whatever quest.  THe
main problem we have is that we can't get more than about 2-3 dozen
shirts, max.  I have a friend who prints shirts, and we're looking at 
ways to get a high-quality 3-color shirt for a reasonable price.  He's
had some success with a special sort of color-copier transfers.  To use
them, we need a really good color print - Pat Vilbrandt sent me a nice
version some months ago (Still have the Corel file, Pat?).  Hand-inking
is a distinct possibility.

More news to follow; I may see some of you at the Palo Alto meet, as
I'll be in the area next week.

ed devinney

PS - the cool thing about a transfer is that you can make a shirt, or a
flag, or whatever you want.

ed devinney                                   
Visix Software Inc., Reston, VA                         ...!uunet!visix!ed
        "Some folks trust in reason, others trust in might -
                I don't trust in nothing..."
                                - Grateful Dead

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