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Re: frozen speedo?

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: frozen speedo?
From: mit-eddie!!andyh@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Andy Haber)
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 90 17:40:55 EDT
Sorry to post this to the whole list when it's realy just to one person
but my attempt to mail direct to TeriAnn failed.

> I have two questions,
> 1. How do you disconnect the end of the speedometer cable attached to the 
> speedometer on a '68 MGBGT????????? If I try real hard {laying on my head,
> jammed against the peddles, flashlight carfully braced under my chin} I can
> bearly touch the cable with one finger. I thought it would be cool to have a
> functional speedometer.

I have a 69 MGB roadster, which as far as the speedometer goes, should be very
similar.   I have had to replace the speedometer cable twice in this car,
and YES, it is NOT EASY.  I too remember sitting "upside down" in the seat
with my head in the footwell and my feet sticking way up in the air.  The
only advice I can offer is discribe what I remember having to do.  The
speedometer cable is held to the back of the speedometer by a knurled (sp?)
ring that treads onto the back of the speedo itself.  Once you unscrew
that, the cable comes right off.  It's been quite a while since I did
this so I'm a little hazy on how I did it.  I do remember carefully trying
to move other wires and or cables out of the way.  I think the first time
I did this, I actually started to take the speedo itself out, just far 
enough so I could see what to do.  The cable is fairly long so there is
usually enough slack to do this.  The speedo is held to the dash by
to "holder" peices that fit over screws sticking out of the back of
the speedo.  Once you take the knurled nuts off these, the speedo can be
pulled forward out the front of the dash.  Putting these back on when you
are done can be a major pain also.  If you want to get the cable off with
out taking the speedo out, then you have to work mostly by feel rather 
than by sight.  Space is real tight behind that dash and I can still
remember the pain of trying to get my hand where it had to go to do the
job.  One word of warning, both times that my speedo cable broke, it
broke about an inch back from the speedo itself, most likely due to
a fairly sharp bend at that point.  It's important to try and make that
bend as gentle as possible within the available space.  If it still
looks impossible, I've read that it is possible to remove the entire
dashboard from and MGB.  I'm not sure if a GT is the same in this respect
and I have not done this myself (although someday I should so I can
fix all intermittent problems I know are back behind that dash), but
there is a set of nuts along the underside of the dash which if you
remove, they say the whole dashboard will come loose.  You probubly
have to disassemble the steering column as well, which is not that
bad (I've done that too).   

Please feel free to write me if any of this doesn't make sense or
you have any other questions. 

> 2. When did British Lealand take over MG???  I keep reading people refering
> to LBCs.  I know that my '60 Land Rover and my TR3 are not LBC cars & I was
> wondering about the '68 MGBGT.  I thought it was BMC in '68.

I thought is way Leyland, and I don't really know when this happend.

> 3. I sure wish the mail editor's editing features were not so combersome &
> obtuse.  I would like to go back & insert missing words & typos.  My
> appologies.  I am not as illiterate as it some times appears {just a bad
> dyslexic typest in a hurry}.
> TeriAnn
Andy Haber    (
Harris Computer Systems Division, Ft Lauderdale, FL       
Andy Haber    (
Harris Computer Systems Division, Ft Lauderdale, FL       

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