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Re: TR6 brake problems

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: TR6 brake problems
From: mit-eddie!!andyh@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Andy Haber)
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 90 17:57:21 EDT
>       Thanks to all who replied!  Our next step is to rebuild the
>       master cylinder.  Mitch says all the lines in the TR6 are
>       metal lines, no rubber hoses to (easily) replace.  Rats.
>       indi (Cathy Young)         |"ssiwest!young"

There has to be some flexable hoses somewhere in the brake lines, otherwise
you would be bending metal back and forth each time you steer to the
left or right or go over bumps.  The usual configuration up front is to run    
a metal line to a point on the body near the wheel, then connect from
that to the brake caliper with a rubber hose.  On cars with live axles
at the rear, there is usually a single rubber hose from the body to the axle.
If you have independant rear suspention, then there may be two rubber
hoses at the rear, one for each wheel.  The only way you can get 
away with no rubber hoses, is if the brakes are mounted inboard.

Andy Haber    (
Harris Computer Systems Division, Ft Lauderdale, FL       

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