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Re: TR6 brake problems

To: merk!alliant!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (local-british-cars)
Subject: Re: TR6 brake problems
From: uunet!drivax!dambrose@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (David Ambrose)
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 90 19:33:10 GMT
In article <> ssi!ssiwest! 
(Indi) writes:
>       This from Mitch:
>       The puzzle is getting better.
>       Why are my TR6 front brakes seizing when they get warm?  Here are
>       the things I've done to try to alleviate the problem:
>               -bled the brakes (slight air bubbles)
>               -used new LMA-GT fluid
>               -rebuilt front brake calipers
>               -cleaned pressure differential warning valve
>               -what else is there????
>       Bizarre.
>       Any bites?
        Nibble nibble. . . . Do TR6's have drum brakes on the rear? Did you 
check them.  Disk brakes normally run at nearly 0 clearance.  Most of the 
pedal travel is actually coming from the rear drum brakes.  Possibilites
for malfunction are rusted wheel cylinders,  a binding parking brake cable,
and air bubbles near some hot part of the brake line.  Also,  make sure the
drums are tight with their own nuts, bolts, screws or whatever.

        When the brakes sieze,  is there an unusual amount of slack in the
parking brake cable?  If so,  then there will be something sticky in the
rear brakes.

        Dave Ambrose

Play it cool;  play it cool;  fifty-fifty fire and ice -- Joni Mitchell
David L. Ambrose, --  Digital Research, Inc          ...!uunet!drivax!dambrose
         Don't blame DRI.  They wouldn't approve of this anyway.

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