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Fw: Bricklin weight

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: Bricklin weight
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 02:56:29 -0400

Peter Farell Supercars
> ( and Pettit Racing
> ( both know an awful lot about this stuff.
> Check out those pages if you're even moderately interested in the rotary.
> Everybody should read about Pettit's "Banzai" RX-7 with the _mighty_ 20B
> rotary (a 3-rotor, 600hp, 2.0 liter version of the same basic 13B design).
Gotta plug the homeboys, Jim Downing's Kudzu.

They do some serious work, and check out all the various conversions.

 Seriously, the 13B is a teeny little thing, and the long-block
> weighs barely over 200lbs.  One guy can pick a short-block up and move it
> around by himself in a pinch... I think the outside dimensions would be
> something like 20" wide by 20" high by 24" long or so.
Probably it's biggest advantage is a much lower CG.

> All that's left is plumbing the exhaust/turbo and figuring out what else
> put in that big engine compartment so that the 13B doesn't look like a toy
> in there!  I think I'll opt for a big intercooler and rad, and race-style
> ducting to route the air out through some holes in the hood.
I assume you'll lay them down to maintain that low CG.
> I'd like to note publicly that Greg Monfort has been an invaluable help in
> planning out these mods, and perhaps more importantly, goading me into
> actually going for it!  ;)  Not that I needed much prodding, but he's been
> very good at reinforcing my "if I've done all that, why not do this?"
> mentality.  ;)
Aw shucks! (blush).
  If I ever get this pig done, I'll have to make a road trip
> to Georgia so he can have a chance to take it around Road Atlanta.
Cool! I'd settle for seeing it in all the hot rod mags. That'll get some
juices flowin'.


> --
> Phil Martin

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