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REgarding the water temp guage

To: "Bricklin (E-mail)" <>
Subject: REgarding the water temp guage
From: "Olson, Scott" <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 09:53:22 -0500
Thank you JTB and GM and others for help regarding my fuel temp guage.
The guage is functional, the wires are still present and functional,  I
just need to attach my temp sender and plug it in.  As for the fuel pump
problem,  the fuel pump went bad (again after 30 miles) so I replaced
it.  If this one goes I will start looking for bigger and better

        On that note,  can you dead head an electric fuel pump?  Someone
at the car parts store said that you must have a return line to the
tank, however, the Holley that I have does not have a return line

So I started my Brik up and it ran like a charm. (It's funny how poorly
my car ran without gas)  But after two minutes I saw smoke  (billowing
smoke).   Shut the car off and remembered that I hadn't replaced the
last two valve cover bolts.  Who all has removed the valve covers (to
replace gaskets or put nice chrome valve covers on?)  When I put them
back I cannot get the last bolt on each side in  (the ones underneath
the window sill.  Any helpful ideas?

Once I fix this,  I am back on the road (a death trap but at least a
mobile death trap)


Scott #466

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