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Re: Ever try this for panel screws and other ?'s

To: "K M" <>
Subject: Re: Ever try this for panel screws and other ?'s
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 20:54:12 -0400
At 10:15 PM 4/15/98 PDT, K M wrote:

>The sheet metal screws that hold my interior panels in place seem to 
>strip out the holes very easily.  I went to my local hardware store and 
>bought some nice stainless 10-24 screws, nuts and washers to replace 
>them with.  My plan is to epoxy the nuts behind the oversized holes, run 
>a tap through it to get rid of any extra epoxy, and slip those machine 
>screws in there.  Has anyone else done something like this and what do 
>you think of my chances for success?

Kim, I don't know if you'll have much success with the expoxy or not.
Good luck.  I think I'd just try an oversize sheet metal screw.  I don't
know if there is room to get speed nuts on the sheet metal where the
panels mount or not.  

>Also, I am still thinking about the head gasket and wonder whether 
>anyone has a time estimate on doing that job and how much of a hassle it 
>is (on a 351).

I've don't it on the 360 and on a big Ford years ago.  It will take some
time, I'd guess 2 to 3 days depending on how fast you work and how
many bad bolts you run into.  You'll have to pull the intake manifold,
the exhaust manifolds, and all the ancillary equip. off the front of
the eng..  How many of you will be doing the job?  If only you, you
might want an eng crane to help lift the intake manifold and the heads.
If you have someone to help, you can probably lift them yourselves.
I'm getting weaker and lazier in my old age.  I'd use the crane.

>Lastly, I got the front seal for the headlight actuators and I hope to 
>do the job and document it this weekend.  Kim

Looking forward to hearing how it goes.  A friend at work just lent
me a covert mag. that had an article by ZIP (just like the one on their
web page) aobut doing the job.  Good luck.  Look forward to hearing 
how it goes and if it fixes the problem.


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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