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RE: Patrol Bricklin

To: "'illyana delorean'" <>
Subject: RE: Patrol Bricklin
From: Ron Auger <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 11:54:30 -0400
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On Saturday, April 11, 1998 4:01 AM, illyana delorean 
[] wrote:
> didnt someone recently post an address where there was a pic of this
> car? or, am i just hoping i could see a pic of it! anyway, could
> whoever posted the address (if i am not imagining things!) please post
> it again, for i have misplaced the message!
> <-illyana->
I can't seem to find that post, either. But there is a pic on a soon to be 
added page to the web site

                                        Ron Auger
(snail-mail) Olsy North America         Staff Software Engineer
        185 Plains Road Suite 302W      203-882-4373 (desk)
        Milford, CT  06460              203-783-1520 (fax)
(E-mail)          800-759-8888 (bpr) pin#1153000
(C-mail) Ron Auger CMLA
(V-mail) 800-338-0775                           "Eschew  Obfuscation"

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