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RE: Patrol Bricklin

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: Patrol Bricklin
From: Phil Martin <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 15:51:15 -0400
I agree - I always thought that giant cherry made it look like a clown car...

Just goes to show - there's no car so good looking it can't be made ugly ;)

Phil Martin                   
"Columbus went to the ocean in 1492,
 He said 'Boys, I'm lookin' for India, but America will do.'"

-----Original Message-----
From:   GLCurley []
Sent:   Friday, April 17, 1998 3:43 PM
Subject:        Re: Patrol Bricklin

Wow! do you think they could have found a bigger cherry?  Something is just
not aesthetically right with that Brick.  There was an article in an old
Brickline about one of these cars.
George Curley

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