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RE: AMC 360 won't start -- any hints?

To: "Bricklin List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: AMC 360 won't start -- any hints?
From: Ron Auger <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 16:28:25 -0500
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On Thursday, January 29, 1998 3:12 PM, K M [] wrote:
> I finally get the @@#!% doors to work dependably and now the car won't
> turn over.  The headlights are bright, the battery seems charged, the
> ignition switch seems to operate.  I am not getting the starter solenoid
> "CLICK" that one normally hears.  I turn the key and nothing happens but
> a buzz (is this some warning device).  So, does this thing have a remote
> solenoid like many fords, if so where.  If not, I take it that it is on
> the starter, is this a high failure part, is it hard to replace (keeping
> in mind that I am rolling around on a street with rain coming down), any
> ideas on replacing?  Any other hints before I dig in?
I'm not as knowledgeable as others on this list, but I've had that buzz before. 
If you have a weak battery, perhaps one that had frozen (like in my case) or 
one that has a dead cell, it may measure as 12 volts and be sufficient to run 
the lights but strains at the load of the ignition. You can test each cells 
water to acid ratio with a hydrometer ( a few bucks at any auto parts store) or 
just try jumping it. If it starts with a jump, you know it's the battery.

                                        Ron Auger
(snail-mail) Olsy North America         Staff Software Engineer
        185 Plains Road Suite 302W      203-882-4373 (desk)
        Milford, CT  06460              203-783-1520 (fax)
(E-mail)          800-759-8888 (bpr) pin#1153000
(C-mail) Ron Auger CMLA
(V-mail) 800-338-0775                           "Eschew  Obfuscation"

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