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Re: AMC 360 won't start -- any hints?

To: "K M" <>, <>
Subject: Re: AMC 360 won't start -- any hints?
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 16:21:15 -0500
There is an ignition buzzer, but I assume you mean the solenoid buzzing
because of low voltage. On '75s the solenoid is mounted on the rear side of
the passenger side inner fender well underneath the voltage regulator (blue
box). You could have a connection problem, bad battery, bad cables. The
starter could also be bound up causing excessive drain. I would check
connections first, especially the ground cable at the motor/chassis and the
battery cable/chassis.


Sunny and 61 here, :^))


-----Original Message-----

>I finally get the @@#!% doors to work dependably and now the car won't
>turn over.  The headlights are bright, the battery seems charged, the
>ignition switch seems to operate.  I am not getting the starter solenoid
>"CLICK" that one normally hears.  I turn the key and nothing happens but
>a buzz (is this some warning device).  So, does this thing have a remote
>solenoid like many fords, if so where.  If not, I take it that it is on
>the starter, is this a high failure part, is it hard to replace (keeping
>in mind that I am rolling around on a street with rain coming down), any
>ideas on replacing?  Any other hints before I dig in?

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