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Re: Cheap Gas?

Subject: Re: Cheap Gas?
From: "Craig Haggart, SSRL Accelerator Ops Group"
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 13:42:28 -0700 (PDT)
   > you get what you pay for

Well, you DO get expensive TV commercials and other advertising, 
higher profit margins, huge corporate overhead, global real estate 
financing and business development, etc.   What you're NOT getting 
is "better" gasoline.  As mentioned by others, the gas you buy at 
retail stations generally comes from the same refineries, in the 
same trucks, no matter where you buy it. 

   > Do you really think that you're going to get good quality 
   > gasoline 40-50 cents cheaper? 

The price difference among gasoline retailers has nothing to do 
with quality.  It's just business (overhead and marketing). 

   > If you're driving a car with an electronic fuel injection, I 
   > would give this some serious thought unless you don't intend 
   > to keep the car very long.

Since pretty much EVERYBODY now drives a car with electronic fuel 
injection, and since fuel-related problems are virtually 
nonexistent, I suggest that YOU give some serious thought to just 
where you obtained this "knowledge."  

-Craig Haggart
 Sunnyvale, California
 '96 Miata M Edition

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