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Re: STS Rules Question

To: <>
Subject: Re: STS Rules Question
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 11:59:55 -0800 (PST)
> Legality?  Sure, it's the same size as OE but 1/6th the price as allowed
> by the rules.  $55 at Jegs for a Dynomax cat versus $320 for an OE unit.
>  The fact that it offers claims of better flow are irrelevant as the
> item's packaging is not in question.   By being the same size & type*
> and in the same location as stock it has met the rules 100%.

I disagree per my previous post.  Claims of better flow in the packaging
or advertising could certainly cause the part to be considered a higher
performance alternative.  In fact, that's why such claims are made.

> The opening section of 13 states: "Alternate components which are
> normally expendable and considered replacement parts (e.g., engine and
> wheel bearings, seals, gaskets, etc.) may be used provided they are the
> same type and size as the standard parts and used in the same location.
> This does not include camshafts, differential covers, or ring-and-pinion
> sets."

You are excising the part following which states the "could be considered
a higher performance alternative", as I referenced in my previous post. 

> 13.10.E states: "Any part of the exhaust system beyond (downstream from)
> the header/manifold or catalytic converter, if so equipped, may be
> substituted provided the system meets the requirements of 3.5. Stainless
> steel heat exchangers are permitted only if the physical dimensions and
> configuration remain unchanged. Modifications of any type, including
> additions to or removal of, the catalytic converters, thermal reactors,
> or any other pollution control devices in the exhaust system are not
> allowed and the system must be operable. Replacement catalytic
> converters must be OEM if the vehicle has not exceeded the 5-year/50,000
> mile warranty period as mandated by the EPA. Converters must be of the
> same type and size and used in the same location as the original
> equipment converter(s). This does not allow for a high performance unit.
> If the vehicle has exceeded the 5 year/50,000 mile warranty period,
> replacement catalytic converters must be OEM-type as per Section 13."
> "OEM-type", eh?  Well, the Dynomax unit is a two-way type just as the OE
> one is.  Same size and type (two-way) too.  High performance unit?
> Definitely not.  And if you say it is high performance, then prove it.
> I have met the letter of the rules.

No, you haven't, because you've only picked certain sections of the rules
to meet.


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