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Re: Clutch changes in Stock Class ?

To: autox <>
Subject: Re: Clutch changes in Stock Class ?
From: Andy Hollis <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:53:14 -0500
I've had this exact conversation with current Nats Chief of Protest Roger
the Famous.  I had made some public comments similar to what you are saying
and Roger contacted me since I also tend to chair protest committees at
divisional and Tour events.  According to him and every one of the folks he
contacted about it, clutches, brake rotors, and the like are not "normally
expendable".  Thus, they must be replaced only with OEM parts.  To him and
his officious cronies, the only thing that applies is what is listed there
in the book (bearings, seals, etc.).

Tread lightly here, and if you really want to do the swap, write a letter to
the SEB to get a firm clarification.  I suspect the answer will be "no" and
you'll get the answer really quick since the SEB has covered this ground
before  (Howard will intercept and respond directly).  Info received from
this list, however well intentioned, will not get you through the protest


Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:51:35 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Re: Clutch changes in Stock Class ?


I believe the answer is that if you go to your
local PepBoys, and purchase a clutch that is
in every way the same as stock, except for the
name on the box (and it could even be the same
manufacturer as stock), that it would be legal.

But if the box said "SuperHiPo Kevlar disk" or
something of the sort, and was different than
stock, that wouldn't be legal.


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