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Re: Clutch changes in Stock Class ?

Subject: Re: Clutch changes in Stock Class ?
From: Sean Minehart <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:44:19 -0700 (PDT)
> I believe the answer is that if you go to your
> local PepBoys, and purchase a clutch that is
> in every way the same as stock, except for the
> name on the box (and it could even be the same
> manufacturer as stock), that it would be legal.

Actually, it's not legal.  Sam Strano posed this
question to Howard Duncan a few years ago because
there was a clutch that was exactly the same,
(material, exact design).  The only difference was a
Chevy part number and about $500.  Howard told him he,
(or his customers who he was inquiring for) could not
use it in stock class.  Now, if you did try and save
the 500+ dollars from a factory clutch, as long as you
used a standard type I doubt you would be protested. 
However, it is not legal.

Sean Minehart
Team Underdog Racing
(suffered a $1000 clutch+master cyl. bill from a dealer)
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