On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Buddy Ahlers wrote:
> Going down the back stretch, it was running
> about 103 mph and I got tunnel vision. It was really
> weird. It looked to me like star wars or
> something...everything going by way faster than it
> should. Then I spun, and broke the darn
> over.
> Has anyone else ever had that happen? I think I could
> handle it if I got a chance to practice a little more,
> but it was really intimidating to have the walls right
> there at all times.
I've driven on an oval exactly one time, when I was warming up tires at a
test and tune at a local speedway infield. I was in my neon and I was
_very_ aware of the extremely hard looking walls all around. I went no
faster than I was comfortable doing (3rd in the neon) and didn't think it
was all that bad, but when I pitted, everyone asked me if I broke
something as I was going so slowly... :-)
(of course, I get asked that question at autoxes too... :-O)