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Ft. Worth for my last time, yes you're welcome.

Subject: Ft. Worth for my last time, yes you're welcome.
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:55:58 -0500
No safety steward in attendance, not even the member of the SSC, stopped 
the event.  That is what is required.  If there is a concern by a SSS or a 
member of the SSC at ANY event they are required to voice it, and should. 
At a Tour, where there was probably 10 SSS's in attendance, we could have 
had a meeting and discussed any issue.  I don't think that happened, not 
because of failure to attend to our responsibilities but because there 
really weren't any real issues.  If later on they decided to take a 
position that the event was not in compliance, then shame on them.  That 
person failed to perform their duty properly, if that is the case.  I'll 
have to have that individual call me and tell me they did for me to 
believe they have reversed their on site position after scrutiny from non 
participants working off hearsay.  I hope that call doesn't come. 

 While working course, I heard many cars on the rev limiter in 2nd, most 
participants never shifted to 3rd during the heat I was on course as a 
worker (SS, GS, ES, BS, CS, ASP).  We even talked about it at the worker 
station, people just running up on the rev limiter and letting it pop for 
two gates sometimes.

Seat of the pants reflections on, "Oh gosh we were going fast." or "The 
car was sliding all over the place." have no place in discussions of rules 
compliance or safety.  If anything, those participants should be placed on 
probation until their skills improve.  If the SSC wishes to impose speed 
constraints, then do so.  Institute a mechanism for compliance that 
eliminates any subjectivity (not speedometer based), and be prepared for 
court action that is to follow.  Because I assure you, that if you place 
an artificial barrier (box or lane change for the sole purpose of forcing 
the competitor to do something not normal (read done in the past) you have 
opened yourself and every member of the club to punitive legal relief.  A 
"Chicago Box", decreasing distance slalom, decreasing radius turn to a 
stop area is begging for a lawsuit.  I'll be a witness for self protective 
purposes and turn in everyone that has posted for them as primary 
contributors to the wilful neglect.  And finally:  8^)

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile 
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a 
meaningful relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 
"The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the vote decide 
     - Josef Stalin. 

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