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Re: What's wrong with class proliferation?

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>,
Subject: Re: What's wrong with class proliferation?
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 19:16:26 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Mitchell <>
To: Ben Thatcher <>;
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: What's wrong with class proliferation?

>Ben Thatcher wrote:
>> How do you think Nationals drew almost 1100 drivers this year?
>Uhh, Ben, you should actually examine the class demographics
>before making statements like the above. The "other category"
>classes (SM, F125, and ST) contributed a total of 68 entries,
>many of whom were not attending their first Nationals.

FWIW, more than half of SM were at their first Nationals.

>Even if
>none of the entries in these classes had come to the event, the
>goal of exceeding 1000 entries would have been met. I.e., Solo II
>is growing _without_ additional classes.

So you are saying the object was to hit 1000, as opposed to making the event
available to as many as possible? And that having hit 1000, any class that
pushed us beyond that was unnecessary? Hell, lets just ditch CP and not have
to worry about all those boorish louts with their noisy cars. We'd still
have 1000 drivers.

1000 was not a target in and of itself. It was a measure of how well we
succeeded at the goal of attracting more, and new, drivers to the event.


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