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Re: F1 at Indy .... Observation

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: F1 at Indy .... Observation
From: Jon Rush <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:34:09 -0400
I saw lots of SCCA gear being worn by the fans. Struck up a conversation
with a pair of gentlemen wearing SCCA hats. They were Porsche 912
Production racers from OH. Can't think of their names right now.

The weather stank. We hadn't brought enough rain gear or warm clothes,
and the race day tickets didn't allow you to leave the track and return.
I ended up buying a General Admission ticket through the fence from one
of the ticket pushers on the sidewalk, so I could go to the camper and
get proper gear for all the guys.

F1 turn one up high seemed to be the place to watch the race. The
braking they were doing at the end of the straight is just phenomenal.
Plus you get to watch them work through a nice series of turns before
they disappear on the back straight.

The two tight turns behind the Speedway Museum were ridiculously slow.
They'd probably be called tight on an autocross course. We ended up
calling them "mickeymouse" as in "Mika just made it through mickeymouse
and he is headed out onto the oval." I suspect they were made that tight
so that the neato boom cameras could follow the cars through the turn.
Mickeymouse should be fixed for next year IMHO.

Pobst's racing on sunday earned a big cheer from the crowd. Not bad for
an old cone masher!

Jon Rush

Lloyd.Wilson@Alcan.Com wrote:
> --Boundary_(ID_jN8UFpGqEjF4IaBobWctgg)
> I went to the F1 race at Indy yesterday.  This was my first time ever seeing a
> F1 car in person and many other firsts.  First time in the grand stands on the
> home stretch.  We had sit backs, way cool.  First time I had to wear winter
> gear to stay warm at Indy.

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