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Re: Protest in HS?

Subject: Re: Protest in HS?
From: washburn <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 19:39:28 -0500 wrote:
....And I'm really really suprised that none of this
> petty protest stuff reached the top finisher.  First time at nationals for
> you and your co-driver and one of you wins and the other finishes top ten??
> They're both obviously great drivers, but I expeced someone to be more
> suspicious.  I guess everybody was just too busy trying to get Russ kicked
> out.

Your statements make it sound as if you are supposed to protest someone
for performing well.(?)  I hope people do not think this is O.K., this
is not what protest is for.  I think if Russ didn't have so many prior
protest's upheld, he would not attract the attention he always does. 
He's made his own reputation.  My two cents.


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