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Re: List Spam solution

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: List Spam solution
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 09:07:09 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 wrote:
> Yeah his spam maybe getting old? I don't see his spam as any different than 
> the spam of Jean Kinser for the Evolution School?? She hits the list with it 
> almost daily
> with some new news or comment. Whats the difference, other than who this guy 
> is,
> or isn't?????

First, check out the "new news or comment" part of your message.

Second, I don't find it all that much different at all.  Both annoy me at
times. Both are on the web where _I_ can got get the info if I want it, so
quit freaking sending me ads when I don't want 'em.

Third, like most people, I delete the damn messages without bothering to
complain about it.  If eventually there are too many, I'll unsubscribe,
again without complaining.  Personally I think we're better off with some
folks that are willing to speak up about this sorta stuff, but I'm not
willing to invest the effort it takes.

Fourth, I've actually met Jean and as unfair as that may be, it DOES make
a difference in that I'm more willing to put up with semi-annoying stuff
from her than from some random guy that decided sucked and built
his own world, but then kept reading anyway, poking little jibes
at something I enjoy.


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