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RE: List Spam solution

To: "Ax List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: List Spam solution
From: "Eric Buckley" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 19:14:22 -0500
I'm sure everybody is as tired of this thread as I am, and most will delete
this without reading it. But for those who care...

Arthur Emerson wrote:

> I'm inclined to think that Mr. Hammond is just an excited
> novice, and is trying to give something back to the sport that
> he just discovered.  If this is true, I'm sure that his
> efforts would be more appreciated in dragging the cones out
> to his local club's site.  Team.Net isn't broken.

While I agree that Chris could be a bit less vocal in his criticism of, especially since he is using it to promote his own list, this is

Chris does his share of "dragging cones." I know this because I have to wait
for him (and others) to drag them into the trailer before I can tow it away.

As for not being broken, I would say that this thread has
demonstrated that it is, but SPAM ain't the problem. I enjoy it, flaws and
all, but couldn't we be just a bit more civil?

Chris, as another who has been at the center of a flame war
(anybody remember the 1998 discussion on women's classes?), I can only say
that in a few months, nobody will care.

Eric Buckley
7 STR: 98 Integra GSR
St. Louis Region

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