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Re: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???

To: John Lieberman <>, Autox <>
Subject: Re: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???
From: Bob Monday <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 15:37:40 -0700 (PDT)
My boys usually end up picking up trash, cones, etc. at the end of the
day, timing/scoring (carefully monitored, or assisting the announcer),
older kids can work the gate getting waivers signed off and handing out
armbands, working concessions (where applicable), working registration,

In short, lots of things that don't involve inexperienced kids making
potentially life-altering decisions in front of a speeding car! I've
caught myself on more than one occasion starting to move toward a
downed cone, only to remember that other vehicles on course might
"down" me... and I'm old enough to vote... for Nixon!

Bob Monday
Boys-R-Us Racing

--- John Lieberman <> wrote:
> GOOD question, Mark!  And one that I've been asked several times over
> the past couple of years.
> This is an issue that we're trying to address from the Solo Safety
> Committee's standpoint.  

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