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Re: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???

Subject: Re: Need help; FJr drivers allowed to work???
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 08:45:52 -0400
John Lieberman <> wrote:

> If you take a very literal interpretation of that rule, it says that
> course workers can be 8-years-old and above. We, on the other hand,
> feel that course workers should be at least 16 years of age.  And
> we're working on a wording change to affect that.

Data point: At a Pro this year... might have been Ft Myers... CJ Sharp and
I were assigned to work Pre-Grid. I don't remember the exact details, but
somehow the work assignment got written that G Sharp Minor was in charge,
and I was working for him. :)

I'm a big fan of giving kids responsibility, so that's how we played it -
CJ was in charge, and I did what he told me to do (and nothing else -
that's how this little Life Lesson works :)

Of course, I was surrupticiously keeping a close eye on him, and had things
gotten either unsafe or seriously FUBAR I would have stepped in and
resolved the problem, but for as long as he was doing his job properly and
safely, he really _was_ the boss.

And he did just fine. No problems at all.

I don't remember his age, but it's less than 16.


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