Here in Texas, We have the "Right lane for passing only" signs, it still
doesn't help. You just get the guy going 61 passing the guy going 60 3/4 in
a 70mph zone.
On the German Autobahn most accidents are "rear ends" caused by people
driving too slow pulling into the fast lane.
Larry Miller
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles R. Schultz" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: Police The issue
> The left lane problem starts with the signs that say, "Slow traffic keep
> right."
> Obviously, I'm not going slowly, even though it's 10 below the limit.
> I'm going as fast as I dare!
> The signs should say, "Keep right except to pass."
> Just something I noticed running from AL-NY-AL-NC-AL in the last week.
> ------------------------
> >
> > I simply do not see a big correlation between highway fatalities and
> > speeding. Same goes for so-called aggressive driving. Get people out
> > of the left lane when they are not passing and this will end.
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chuck Schultz/
> / Home page:
> Eastaboga / (Under construction forever!)
> Alabama / AIM Screen Name: n2pua ICQ ID Number: 11654121
> 36260 / It's not the thing you fling, but the fling, itself!