Sgt. Bellom <> wrote:
>The average motorist doesn't realize that accidents do occur predominantely
>in specific areas,
OK, how about a novel approach to the problem? Instead
of "fixing" the drivers, fix the problem with the road
that's making the accidents! Have police report dangerous
and potentially dangerous roads to DOT. Patrolling officers
see these roads every day, whereas the DOT engineer that
could fix the problem might only see them once every
10 years.
>It is no joke to step outside your car on a major highway, to
>stop a motorist and risk your own life just to get issue a
>summons.. Many police officers are killed every year by motorists who lose
>control of their vehicles and run a police officer over
>or run into a police cruiser...
I don't envy many parts of the job, this one in particular.
Having a family friend who worked for DOT killed by a car on
the side of the road, speeding in construction zones and not
yielding to stopped police/fire/postal vehicles is a personal
pet peeve of mine.
Note to Mr. Linoff - you shouldn't need laws to state what
should be common sense when approaching a stopped vehicle with
flashing lights visible from 5 miles away. If you can't
get out of the right lane in time, you're driving dangerously
and deserve to be ticketed.....
-Arthur ("Holding up traffic in construction zones" edition.)