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Re: SCCA Spokesperson...... :-)

To: "Steven Volpp" <>
Subject: Re: SCCA Spokesperson...... :-)
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 21:20:31 -0400
FWIW, last Sunday's New England Region autocross was held in Smith &
Wesson's employee parking lot. It was also the first day that NER fired up
their new public address system purchased from Peavey. BTW, it was great to
hear the announcers (well, except me) clearly for the first time in NER. PCA
also runs at S&W.

Matt Murray
----- Original Message -----
> I expect that soon, based on some other threads, that Smith and Wesson
> will soon sponsor the Nationals. 8-)
> Randy Chase

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