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Re: SCCA Spokesperson...... :-)

To: Steven Volpp <>
Subject: Re: SCCA Spokesperson...... :-)
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 17:14:47 -0500
Well said, Steve.  And not just because you work for Peavey!

If we don't support the people who support our sport, they won't be
around very long to support us.  And, even if we don't buy their
products, we should at least refrain from publicly bad-mouthing them.

When I was playing in a rock band back in the 60's (Gawwwd that makes
me feel old!) I, too, wanted a Strat.  But if I had the chance to do
it again today, I'd look at every guitar out there (including Peavey)
before making a decision.  Back then, the only PA to have was a
Bogen.  Now, if you don't have a Peavey, you don't have much!!  8<{) 
Every piece of Peavey equipment I've ever used (whether on stage or in
the radio station) has always been top-notch.

Peavey has stepped forward, in a non-traditional mode, to put a heck
of a lot into our sport.  And I, for one, sincerely appreciate
everything they've done.  Without their support, the last two Meridian
NTs wouldn't have been possible, not to mention everything else
they've done for us.

The Tire Rack, too, has put an awful lot into our sport.  Sure, the
windshield stickers are a little bit unwieldy for some folks but even
I found a way to make them work on my Mini (and that took some MAJOR
I've bought from the Tire Rack before and I'll buy from them again.

I switched my long distance service to Total Tel when they supported
our sport.  Now that they're out of the picture, I'm looking

Maybe I'm just a little bit more sensitive about this sponsorship
thing than others, since I work in Radio News.  If it weren't for our
sponsors, I wouldn't draw a paycheck twice-a-month.  Granted, it's not
much.  But at least it puts groceries on my table and an occasional
part in my race car!  8<{)

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman  

Steven Volpp wrote:
> Peavey has:
> Hosted two National Tours.
> Provided the facilities for the first EVER live web broadcast of and SCCA
> event, which over 6000 people listened to.
> Given thousands of dollars in prizes
> Given the SCCA an entire new PA  (Fender does not even make what Peavey
> provided)
> and Fender has?
> The reason you choose to support a company that does not support you or the
> sport is?????
> Everyone seems to think that only the people posting are watching.  Peavey,
> Tire Rack, and several other POTENTIAL sponsors monitor this board.  You
> people will scare every dollar you can out of this sport.  Why are you so
> intent on ruining it for the rest of us?  Peavey watched the Tire Rack posts
> go by.  And I have had to do a lot of explaining at work why Peavey should
> even be involved with a sport that bashes its sponsors.  We understand that
> not every consumer will choose our products over the competition  That is
> business.  But maybe if just ONE post said something like "personally, I
> choose to buy my tires from my local independent retailer, but I appreciate
> what Tire Rack is doing for the sport", other sponsors would look at the
> solo market as something to embrace, not stay away from.
> Steven Volpp
> Artist Relations Manager
> Peavey Electronics

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