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RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP... again! (was: Re: more peru musings)

To: Digest Auto-x <>
Subject: RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP... again! (was: Re: more peru musings)
From: Ron Katona <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 23:08:32 -0400
Jeff Winchell wrote:
> I don't understand. I've been told that a comparison of the top drivers in
> the top prepared cars is valid. This isn't trying to move Bob (who
> apparently is leaving the class after this year), but to move the car, the
> M3.

It's a very valid comparison as long as all the cars are more or less
fully prepped for the class. That's one question that's been raised with
this discussion; how well prepared is ESP as a whole as compared to
Bob's M3? I don't profess to know that answer, but to be fair it needs
to be addressed before the M3 is moved.
Ron Katona

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