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Re: Reminder to all

Subject: Re: Reminder to all
From: Jeff Lloyd <>
Date: 25 May 2000 20:21:36 -0700
On Thu, 25 May 2000, wrote:
> I just thought I'd mention it as a reminder to people who may have never had 
> their butts kicked before, and live in fear of it, that there are possibly a 
> few folks out here who are several cards short of a full deck.
> mAs

ha ha, he he, they are coming to take me away..
Mark, get it right I'm more then a few cards short of a full deck.  heck I 
drive a non miata in BS,,  hey do you think they can move my 1.9l BMW into ESP 
also :-P heck the M3's need some competition.. LOL and the pony car guys are 
taking their ball and going home.. bruised Ego I guess..

'96 BMW Zpig (ultimate Tanning machine)
'81 VW diesel pickup (Owner/operators Wanted)

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