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Re: Making Pro more Pro...

To: Dave Hillman <>
Subject: Re: Making Pro more Pro...
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 18:22:19 -0400
At 03:20 PM 5/18/99 -0400, Dave Hillman wrote:
>   Making results available would be better place to start, IMHO.  The
>Season Points on the web site haven't been updated since San Berdoo 
>( Atwater is missing ).  The Peru results still aren't there.  Are there
>protests pending?
IMHO . . .

We sure are spoiled these days . . .

SCCA has consistently been posting Pro results by Tue night or Wed on their
web site, possibly after they drove back to Denver. Yes, I know that
technology allows them to download thru a modem, etc. from anywhere in the
world (almost) but give the very small, burned out from three days in the
weather, number of people involved a break. Plus, did you see the weather
between Indiana and Denver Sunday night? I was sure glad I drove to the East!

In the old days of a few years years ago, the competitors received a
mailing within a few weeks and the rest of the Club waited for SportsCar,
North American Pylon, or GrassRoots Motor Sports.

When I checked my snail mail this morning I had a packet from SCCA which
included all sorts of stuff including Points thru Atwater. Seems like
license holders get the info rather promptly.

Remember, this is still a grassroots sport on a tight budget.
Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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