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Re: was: ProSolo Kudos, now: a complete chage of topic

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: was: ProSolo Kudos, now: a complete chage of topic
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 08:51:38 -0700

Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> Anyway, I too am running on Toyos (scabs at that) and was quite pleased
> to find myself less than 1 second (hey, 0.997 is less than 1.0 second)
> behind the fastest DS driver on an 85 second course and the top guys
> were on BFGs and Kumhos.  So I believe you're correct that it may not
> all be the tire's fault when we don't go fast.
> Damn, now I gotta find another excuse.

After running Toyos on and off for 5 years, I have learned a few things
about them. How well they do depends a lot on surface, temperatures, and
your driving style. It could very well be that .997 seconds IS directly
attributable to the Toyos. I think if you are within 1 second on a 85
second course on Toyos, you are doing well.

For me, I use this a gauge for local events. If I stay near the fastest
cars, I consider it a moral victory. 8) It works for me. 

But, at a National event, I decided that the difficult thing, is to be
on a different tire than everyone else and it makes it more difficult to
gauge how well you drove. Specially on a surface/temp I am not used to.
I like to personally compare my times and the tires make it difficult to

So..I am ordering some new tires. 

Randy Chase
'91 MR2 CS (with 10 Toyos for local events..and soon to have 4 new tires
for ProSolos)

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