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Re: May 1999 Cover

Subject: Re: May 1999 Cover
From: washburn <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 07:17:12 -0500
Matt Murray wrote:
> If you look closely, that sticker was added to the photo.
> A little Adobe Photoshop and viola! Ask Mark Wentworth
> NER SCCA's web master to show some of his "work".

You beat me to that.  I was going to say it looks a little faked, but
fear of sounding like I was making unfounded accusations stopped me. 
Thanks!  My guess was tht it was a shake out run and that points were
not the top priority, that's why there were no stickers.  Either that or
they just let it go.  (Fine time to get your picture on the cover!)
Patrick Washburn <>
Wausau, WI     Land of Cheese
95 DS Neon

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