To borrow an Xmas tree is "easy" in theory, its the timing/syncho hardware
thats the "bitch" about it.
Ive run the software for years when I ran the HRP tower in Houston, and
gained the credentials to run the system at NHRA national events too..
Im sure we can build a simple system for about a grand if we had to. Just
simple prestage/full-stage, an accurate half second timer and external relay
control, and programming to catch red-light..all via a parellel port.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Ryan []
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 8:53 PM
> To: Phillip S. Osborne; Brian M Kennedy
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: ProSolo Expo Cancelled
> Maybe we should hold our own ProSolo - - -
> We could show the National Office that we in the Midwest
> can support a ProSolo as well as we can a National Tour - -
> if they only gave us a chance!!
> If the Midwest were to be given a "real" chance, we would
> have been offered a full blown PS instead of a "no-points"
> event that was doomed from the start. (How many "pros" would
> bother with a no-points event, in the first place?)
> Think we could borrow a Xmas tree from a dragstrip somewhere?
> G
> ----------
> > From: Phillip S. Osborne <>
> > To: Brian M Kennedy <>; George Ryan
> <>
> > Cc:;
> > Subject: Re: ProSolo Expo Cancelled
> > Date: Friday, April 16, 1999 6:19 PM
> >
> > I can think of at least 8 Texas Region folks who were ready to go.....
> >
> > Phil O.
> >
> >
> > >
> > >And Dallas is having a regional event at its most convenient site.
> > >Plus the PCA was having its once a year two-day school.
> > >
> > >Does NeOkla have a web site or any way for us north Texans to find out
> > >about your events?? Or would you rather us Texans stay in Texas?
> > >
> > >
> > >Brian