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Re: ProSolo Expo Cancelled

To: George Ryan <>
Subject: Re: ProSolo Expo Cancelled
From: Brian M Kennedy <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 08:17:55 -0500
George Ryan wrote:
> Actually, the demise of the PS Expo was aptly surnised
> by David Green:
> > Part of the problem is that the event was on the same day as our Solo II
> > here in Wichita (at McConnell AFB, our best site
> It seems that OKC also had a regional event. Both were point
> events that could have cost a competitor from either region their
> class standings not to attend.

And Dallas is having a regional event at its most convenient site.
Plus the PCA was having its once a year two-day school.

> Scheduling an event on the same
> weekend as BOTH of the larger neighbor regions was not the best
> way to promote a "don't count for anything"  type event such as
> this, IMO.

True.  I'd have actually signed up over all the other events because
I am interested in trying out the ProSolo format.  Unfortunately,
I had other scheduling conflicts.

It does seem unfortunate as I am sure the failure will be interpreted
in a way such that it will be unlikely we'll see a ProSolo in this 
area of the country for a long time -- and may also reduce the odds
of a major event being held at Muskogee -- also very unfortunate.

> Davis Field is an awesome site, but McConnell and Lloyd Noble in
> OKC ain't bad neither. Actually, any of the 3 could support a large
> PS course. Davis could have been up to 40  seconds per side,
> a size that most of the more recent "real" ProSolos could not match.
> That is one reason the site was chosen.
> I can't speak for my fellow members of the NeOkla Region - -
> My personal feelings are that this cancellation may be some kind
> of loss, but the loss is not NeOkla's. We will still have an event at
> Davis next weekend.

Does NeOkla have a web site or any way for us north Texans to find out
about your events??  Or would you rather us Texans stay in Texas?


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