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Re: Old Age

To: Autox List <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: Cliff Loh <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 16:36:20 -0700
"Jay Mitchell" <> writes:

>You 30-something "old" folks have the following to look forward
>Hearing your knees or your hips or your neck when you move. Or,
>better yet, having other people hear them.
>Getting a hangover from two (OK, maybe three ;<) beers. Having a
>hangover last more than a day.

Other things to look forward to as you fellas hit your 30's (when
you're too old for Speed Freakz and too young for Old Fartz):

OK, I'll agree with the knees and other joints but the beer
intolerance?? c'mon.  I've found that after I turned 30 (34 now) my
tolerance for beer got better.  This was due to the many years
training while I was in college.  Moreover, I can say that as you age,
your taste gets better and you appreciate a nice frothy pint of
Guinness vs plain ol' Bud (blecch!!) WARNING: Tolerance for beer is
directly related to CRS.

20-something women will think you worldly and will want to date you. 
You won't be accused of robbing the cradle if you do so.  40-something
women will think you youthful and will want to make you their personal
plaything.  Woohoo!!

Sales people at the GAP will call you "sir".  Doohh!

You can actually afford some pretty neat sports cars now that you have
a real job that actually pays well and you won't be accused of having
a mid-life crisis.

Despite the knees, your body is still resilient enough for
snowboarding in the halfpipe.

"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is not."

Cliff Loh, Vancouver, B.C. CANADA
"I started out with nothing 
& still have most of it left.", h:604.597.6784 c:604.202.8724

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