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Re: Old Age

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 12:06:16 -0400
>You 30-something "old" folks have the following to look forward
>Having to take off your glasses to see what you're working on
>under the race car because, even though you're nearsighted,
>you're  rapidly becoming farsighted as well, then spending
>fifteen minutes looking for your f***ing glasses because you have
>CRS (Can't Remember Shit) and finally finding them because you
>stepped on them, then trying to put the lens you knocked out back
>in with your fingers covered with gearlube or brake fluid and
>then having to wipe them off with a shop rag so you can see well
>enough (barely) to wash your hands, which you've gotta do so you
>can get your glasses completely reassembled and clean again. So
>you can see to get the tool you forgot to bring with you in the
>first place and get back under the car....

Although I have not had this entire combination of events happen
simultaneously, I've had several of them occur at once.  I'm quite blind
without my glasses, and do take them off for close-up work, then can't find
them either because of CRS or ADD - the two go hand in hand.  That also
accounts for MANY trips up and down the stairs to get all the tools, parts,
etc. I forgot.

>Being stove up for two days because you had to do a clutch job or
>a head gasket.

That I haven't experienced yet.  I'm sure it's just a matter of time with my
old BMW with 212k miles.

>Hearing your knees or your hips or your neck when you move. Or,
>better yet, having other people hear them.

I'm not that bad, but my 22 year old girlfriend is.  Drives me crazy!

>Getting a hangover from two (OK, maybe three ;<) beers. Having a
>hangover last more than a day.

I rarely get hangovers, but anything more than one beer gets me loopy.  And
when I do get hangovers, they're nasty!

>Having to put sunscreen on top of your head (and wearing a big
>hat, too) because there's not enough hair left up there to keep
>you from getting burned.

Being a long haired hippie freak, I don't have that problem yet...

>Telling your kids not to do the stuff you used to love doing when
>you were their age.

No kids, so no problem. :)

    - Justin, not feeling at all old at 25 cuz, well, I'm not!

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