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Re: Old Age

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: Mike Bultemeier <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 08:23:58 -0500
Gosh kids, Just reading this gives me a warm fuzzy feeling all over. Isn't that
Katie something.

I'll have a double Geritol on the rocks please!

Mike B.TLS#1

"Kelly, Katie" wrote:

> Okay, so I'm standing there in the bathroom of the Oakland Coliseum. My nose
> is all red from the wind. But that's not all. What the heck is wrong with my
> face? What are those, wrinkles?
> Teresa Lommatzsch just happened to be in there as I was screaming.
> "I don't know, Katie. It just hit me the other day, 'I'm not one of the
> *kids* anymore.'"
> It's true. Teresa and I were a couple of those autocross babies. Turns out,
> we BOTH grew up in the Pleasanton Fairgrounds parking lot, but on alternate
> weekends (her parents were with PCA, and mine with SCCA).
> Now Teresa owns her own house, and TWO autocross cars. Well, good, she isn't
> THAT grown up yet.
> Back to my face. I have been wearing this Clinique sunscreen DAILY. It's not
> stopping the wrinkles. Never mind the wrinkles. I don't look like a teenager
> anymore, and this is REALLY bothering me.
> So, anyway, we stood there and gloomily faced our reality: we're NOT the
> kids anymore. Oh my gosh. I might be thirty in a very short amount of time,
> like maybe within this century, but possibly, remotely, much later, I am not
> saying. We have real jobs and responsibilities, and people rely on US. This
> sucks. Now the little superstars are Brianne Mitchell, Catherine Liao, Tony
> Collicchio, Erick Van Waganen, and whoah, Derek HEAD. What is he, 12? Good
> gawd, we're old.
> In fact, I went out with a few of these upstarts after attending a car show
> in San Francisco. We had gone out for pizza, and I said, "Okay, who's up for
> going to a bar?"
> "Uh, there's just one problem," said Darren Maddams. "We're all under 21?"
> WE used to be the wonderkids. It was Teresa, me, Shauna, Brian Hobaugh, Vic
> Sias, I dunno, so many of us. Everyone was just amazed that these teenagers
> knew how to drive. Now WE'RE the grown-ups, and they EXPECT us to know how
> to drive. And they EXPECT us to do all these other grown-up things, like
> chair events, and even worse, ACT like responsible adults.
> Yes, you SHOULD be troubled by this.
> (On a side note, look who we're trying to impress. Autocrossers. It could be
> worse.)
> So, we left the rest room in a blue funk out into the wind and hail. I was
> determined to hold on to my youth, so I decided to make a run for it. We all
> know that young people just have too much energy, and darn it, I may be
> nearly almost thirty within the next several months of even years, but I
> FEEL like I'm twelve, and I FEEL like doing windsprints and yes, even
> cartwheels!
> Teresa took her time, and what's this? Who's this waiting in her Porsche?
> Oh, it's Aaaaanndy McKee, giving her a ride! What is this, is she too old
> and tired now to at least WALK back to the autocross!
> "Well, Katie, we may be old, but we're not stupid," said Andy.
> Katie Kelly
> Technical Publications
> SPSS Bay Area
> (510)412-2812
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Guilt slows your metabolism.

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