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Re: Solo Vee - SEB

Subject: Re: Solo Vee - SEB
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 11:49:51 -0500
A. E Trier wrote:
> Inflammatory remarks
> from non-FMod competitors notwithstanding, I still think we can work
> things out in FMod with a little more thought and effort.

I got an awful lot of replies to my late night proposal, and while not
a soul agreed with me, I appreciate that nobody flamed me either.
Thank you.

I didn't mean to be inflammatory, though I recognize now that my
comments were appropriately taken that way.

Bruce commented that "FM is a viable class."  I agree, under the
assumption that the F500 and Solo Vee remain competitive with each
other.  The Solo Vee community appears to have given up on that goal,
so does the class remain viable with only F500?

When the F440 was moved from CM to SCM and later FM, it reduced one of
the largest classes.  Yes, CM continues to be wildly successful, and I
agree that the reintroduction of the F500 would create course
dependencies, but the cars to appearto have similar performance (that
did not appear to be true with the F440).  With the F500 back in CM,
we'd all see a lot more local competition, and could once again be a
major force at Nationals.  Personally, I'd welcome the F500 back into
the class, though there are probably those who disagree.

I recognize that this next thought will be taken as hostile by the
Solo Vee community, but I'll put it out there anyway.  I don't think I'm
the only one who feels that the Solo Vee was a mistake, and should be
allowed to die a quiet death.  I don't think the Solo community should
be involved in creating and maintaining its own formula car class.  I
just don't like the whole idea, philosophically.

The Solo Vee is the exact opposite of the CM success formula.  CM is
great, among other reasons, because the cars can move back and forth
between road racing and autocrossing so easily.  The Solo Vee experiment
runs exactly counter to a known successful approach.  I just don't think
it's the right thing for the Solo community, and I certainly wouldn't
support having a dedicated class for them.

I also realize that a whole bunch of people have devoted a lot of time,
effort, money, and blood to building Solo Vees, which would become
obsolete under my proposal.  Please don't take it personally; it's not
meant that way.  You just can't please all of the people all of the


P.S.  No flame is intended here.  If you think I'm angry, please re-

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