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Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes

Subject: Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 17:20:34 -0800 wrote:
> Um, ok.  I realize I'm a novice at the ProSolo thing (I've never done it
> before).

Best time to start is your first one.

  I never realized that one must be licensed for ProSolo.  Does it
> cost anything to get licensed?  What exactly must you do to obtain one?

You don't need a license if you want to do one event. If you chose to do
more (or run in the Pro class), you are required to get a license. You
do need an SCCA membership, have real numbers/class letters for your
car, ProSolo decals (available at the event site).

Check for more info.

Randy Chase

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