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Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes

Subject: Re: ProSolo Nationals Vs Pro Classes
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 09:55:32 -0500
Randy Chase <> broke out his clay tablet and stylus, and
inscribed cuniformly thereupon:

> Previously, ProSolo experimented with a "Club Class" and an Open Class.
> It seemed the intent of the Club Class was to give some of us, less
> seasoned drivers, a chance to play in a challenge

That was my understanding too. "Club" was the place for the
occasional/inexperienced driver.

> Now, the new definitions of National Series and Pro series are
> different. I don't see the intent of the two series as the same as the
> previous Club and Open classes. Pro is for those who want to take the
> sport to the next level as far as appearance, potential payouts,
> prefessionalism. Nationals is for everyone else...regardless of ability.
> Yes?

Yes. Unquestionably and emphatically yes.

NationalSeries is also the place for people who wish to drive cars that are not
included in the P classes, again, regardless of ability.

However, there are a couple of people floating around (no sense in naming names)
who _appear_ to be cherrypicking the NationalSeries because it's easier. The
worst offenders (IMHO) are those who either own cars that are P-class eligible,
or who normally co-drive Other People's Cars, but choose to run NationalSeries
anyway. This smacks of bottom feeding, and doesn't seem right.

I admit though that I'm being unfair by assuming motives that may not exist. If
a former National Champion has decided that they are only going to attend one or
two Pros this year (for whatever reason) and so the financial outlay and work to
properly tech as a P-class car doesn't seem worth it to them, well, then I guess
them running NationalSeries is no longer so outrageous.

So it really comes down to the motives of the individual in question, and to
know that with any degree of certainty, you have to ask them. Speculating on
someone's motives without consulting that person is unfair.

I have to confess that I've thought about switching myself. I got killed in P2
at Ft Myers, but the same performance at that event would have won
NationalSeries ESP. With all the Big Dogs in ESP running in P3, it seems
possible that I could pull off a NationalSeries Championship in ESP. It's _very_
tempting; I'd kinda like the title "National Champion" associated with my name,
and it certainly appears that that's not immediately forthcoming in P2.
Furthermore, were I to switch, I don't think my name would be added to anyone's
"fast guy who should be in Pro" list. I'm frankly not on anybody's "shoe" radar,
not yet - maybe not ever.

But it seems to me that as someone who is planning on running a full 5 ProSolos,
with sponsors to keep happy and a car that it P-class eligible, that running the
P class (and taking my lumps, if need be) is the Right Thing to Do, as I fit the
P-class idiom, if not necessarily the ability level.

If you feel that you don't fit the P-class idiom, then NationalSeries is for
you. That's your decision, and I don't think anyone else has the right or
ability to question that decision.

As for the real cherrypickers (assuming there really are any)... well, I assume
that will get sorted out somehow, probably by peer pressure. I don't think it's
fair to write a rule to force someone from NationalSeries to P-class.

"Hey you! Why are you driving that Formula Vee? Don't you know you should be
driving in F1? Go home, and come back when you've got a Williams!" :)


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